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Temp Worker

Irene Papagallos makes her living as a temporary worker.  “Have skills, will travel – that’s my motto,” says Irene.  “I love the challenge of coming into a different workplace every few days or weeks and figuring out how to make things work for them.  What I didn’t love, though, was figuring out how to let people get hold of me with the next assignment.

“My Universal Office solved that problem for me once and for all.  Now I only have to give people one number to reach me, no matter where I am or what I’m doing.  No more having someone guess whether to use my home number, my cell phone, or call some office where I happened to be working last week.

“The best thing about it is that I can change how it works whenever I want.  Some businesses where I’m working are OK with me getting calls on my cell phone.  Others don’t want personal calls at all.  And some of course are in ‘dead zones’ where I couldn’t get a call if I wanted to.

“That’s no problem, with my Universal Office.  Before I go to wherever I’m working that day, I just hop on the system and set the call follow-me service however I want it.  It’s that same with message notification.  I like to do it on the web, because I’m a fast typist.  But it’s just as easy to do over the phone.  As long as I can get to a phone or a browser, I’m in control!”

"Don't kid yourself though - I may be a great organizer and I love what I do, but frankly I'm a mercenary, just like my TV hero Paladin was - I expect to get paid. And Genie helps me with that too, with my GenieCard. Pretty much everyone pays me with a direct deposit straight into my GenieCard account. The best part for me though, is that's a one-way thing. Last year, some crook found a copy of a check from a traditional checking account I had with the bank - and before I knew what was going on they'd used the numbers on that check to drain my account of hundreds of dollars. That can't happen with my GenieCard!"

Irene knows why the temporary agencies and past employers she works with have moved her to the top of their lists of people to call.  “Of course I’m a great worker.  But I’m no good to anyone if they can’t get me.  With Genie and my Universal Office, they know that they can either talk to me right away, or that I’ll get back to them faster than anyone else.  That means assignments come my way, and that means INCOME!”



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